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Earthworm Day – The Silent Heroes of Our Soil

Every year on February 15th, we celebrate Earthworm Day – a wonderful opportunity to appreciate these unassuming yet indispensable helpers of nature. Earthworms play a crucial role in soil fertility and, consequently, in the health of our entire ecosystem. Without them, our soil would be less fertile, water infiltration would be poorer, and nutrient availability for plants would be significantly reduced.

Potato desiccation with the system – 7 days after treatment. The field soil shows uniform drying of the potato plants while maintaining its structure.

Why Are Earthworms So Important?

Earthworms are true “soil architects.” Their burrowing loosens the soil and improves its structure. This allows for better aeration, promotes root growth, and facilitates water drainage, reducing waterlogging. Additionally, they break down organic material, consuming it and excreting it as nutrient-rich worm humus. This significantly enhances soil quality, as it contains essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are crucial for plant growth.

Without earthworms, soil ecology would be severely disrupted. They enhance soil fertility, reduce erosion, and contribute to soil self-cleaning. Studies show that earthworms can even break down certain pollutants or at least transform them into less harmful substances.

Earthworms in Danger – The Threat of Intensive Agriculture

Despite their immense importance, earthworms face numerous threats. Intensive agriculture relies on heavy machinery that compacts the soil and disrupts earthworm burrows through plowing.

Studies show that excessive use of chemical pesticides leads to a significant decline in earthworm populations. This is not only problematic for farmers but for the entire ecosystem, as healthy soils are the foundation of sustainable food production.

A single earthworm in moist soil, surrounded by small soil particles. It contributes to soil aeration and nutrient enrichment.
An earthworm in loose soil – an essential soil inhabitant that contributes to fertility and structural improvement.

Alternative Crop Protection Methods – A Look at

With electrophysical plant control, introduces a new approach for widespread use that can help reduce chemical inputs and focus on protecting soil life. In this context, questions often arise about the impact of electricity on soil organisms.

Extensive research on this technology has shown that neither earthworms nor other soil organisms such as springtails or mites are harmed. This means that farmers can effectively control weeds without compromising soil structure or the natural balance of the ecosystem. This presents a promising alternative for sustainable agriculture that prioritizes healthy soils and biodiversity conservation.

Field with potato plants that have visibly dried out seven days after sikkation with The soil remains intact and well-aerated.
Potato sikkation with the system – 7 days after treatment. The field soil shows uniform drying of the potato plants while maintaining soil structure.

How Can We Protect Earthworms?

In addition to innovative technologies, there are simple measures everyone can take to protect earthworms: Natural methods such as mulching or mechanical weed control preserve soil life. Organic material supports soil biology and provides earthworms with food. A diverse crop rotation ensures a stable soil ecosystem.

On Earthworm Day, we should recognize how much we depend on these small yet vital creatures – and what we can do to protect them!

Pesticide Residues in Organic Food – How Do They Occur and What Is Being Done About It?

Organic food is produced according to strict regulations.
Organic food is produced according to strict regulations. However, environmental factors can affect its purity.

Organic food stands for sustainability, environmental friendliness, and a natural production process. EU regulations for organic farming prohibit the use of synthetic chemical pesticides and prescribe clear production methods. However, laboratory analyses occasionally detect traces of such substances in organic products.

How do these residues end up in organic food despite their strict prohibition? And what measures does the industry take to prevent such contamination?

The fact that organic food is defined by its production method rather than compliance with specific residue limits highlights an important point: The complete absence of pesticide residues cannot be guaranteed. But how can residues end up in organic products?

1. Drift from neighboring fields
A common issue is drift—the unintentional transport of pesticides by wind. If a conventional farmer near an organic farm sprays pesticides, tiny particles can be carried by air currents onto organic crops. This is especially problematic with volatile substances or spraying under windy conditions.

2. Ubiquitous environmental contamination
Some pesticides are so persistent that they remain detectable in the environment years or even decades after their ban. Chlorinated organic compounds like Lindane are well known for this. These substances can remain in the soil and be absorbed by plants or spread through water into agricultural irrigation systems.

Organic farms operating on former conventional land are particularly affected. Regular soil analyses and careful site selection are crucial to minimizing contamination.

3. Cross-contamination during storage and transport
Another risk arises in processing and logistics. Organic and conventional products must be strictly separated, but sometimes unintended contamination occurs through:

Shared transport routes, storage in the same facilities, or contaminated machines in processing plants.

Strict separation strategies and thorough cleaning of machines and storage areas are necessary. Companies implement extensive quality assurance systems to minimize risks.

4. Unauthorized use due to mistakes or fraud
Although rare, there have been cases where non-approved pesticides were used on organic farms—either through ignorance or intentional rule violations.

Such violations are usually detected quickly during strict inspections. Organic farms undergo annual and often unannounced audits by state-certified control bodies.

How is it ensured that organic products are as residue-free as possible?

Since organic products are defined by their production process rather than residue limits, organic farms must implement various measures to minimize contamination.

Legal regulations and quality assurance

Regulation (EC) No. 889/2008 and the updated Regulation (EC) No. 2018/848 require all businesses in the organic sector to take appropriate precautions to minimize contamination risks. These include: Separation of conventional and organic products during storage and transport, internal controls with regular sampling and residue testing, and preventative measures against drift, such as buffer zones or cooperation with neighboring farmers.

The BNN Guidance Value as a Benchmark

Since EU regulations do not specify strict pesticide residue limits for organic products, the German Association for Organic Processors, Wholesalers, and Retailers (BNN) has introduced the BNN Guidance Value.

This states: A maximum of 0.01 mg/kg for each detected substance in unprocessed products. No more than two pesticides can be detected in total. If this value is exceeded, an investigation must determine the cause.

The BNN Guidance Value is not an official limit but serves as a benchmark for evaluating residue findings.

What Can Consumers Do?

Consumers who want to ensure that their organic products are as residue-free as possible can follow these tips:

  • Choose certified organic labels – EU Organic, Bioland, Demeter, and Naturland have particularly high standards.
  • Opt for regional organic products – They have shorter transport routes and often stricter quality controls.

Sunday 26 January 2025 was Seed Swap Day – never heard of it?

Seed Swap Day is dedicated to preserving genetic diversity and promoting sustainable farming practices. The goal is to exchange seeds, protect regional varieties, and share scientific insights about plant adaptability.
On Sunday, January 26, 2025, Seed Swap Day took place.

Neither have we, but as seeds are the foundation of global food security, we think it’s an important day to raise awareness. Seed Swap Day is dedicated to preserving genetic diversity and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. The aim of the event is to exchange seeds, protect regional varieties and share scientific knowledge about plants and their adaptability.

About seeds

Seeds, also known as seed grains or seed fruits, are dry, dormant reproductive organs such as seeds and fruits. They contain the complete embryo of the plant and can remain viable for years if stored in a dry and cool environment. After harvest, seeds often go into a dormant state, which is broken down enzymatically to allow seasonal germination.

Seed size and weight vary considerably: Thousand seed weight (TSW) ranges from 1.75 grams for red clover to 700 grams for fava beans. Seeds are often calibrated or coated to improve handling in agriculture. Key quality characteristics include health, varietal purity and germination. Seed treatments help protect against fungi and pests.

The sale and use of seed is regulated by seed trade laws. International organisations such as UPOV and ISTA promote global seed exchange and quality assurance. Gene banks, including the famous Svalbard Global Seed Vault, preserve genetic diversity for future generations and contribute to global food security.

Seeds are essential to biodiversity. In particular, old or ‘heirloom’ varieties play a crucial role as they provide genetic resources adapted to specific environmental conditions. These varieties are often resistant to disease and pests and have unique flavour characteristics. In contrast, the increasing use of hybrid seeds leads to a loss of genetic diversity, which can reduce the adaptability of agricultural systems in the long term.

What happens on Seed Swap Day?

Seed Swap Day provides a platform for the sharing and distribution of this valuable cultural asset. Participants are encouraged to bring surplus seeds in good condition – dry and pest-free. Labelling seeds with their botanical name, origin and cultivation instructions helps to ensure scientific exchange and maintain the quality of information.

Local exchange markets and workshops organised by communities, environmental organisations and scientific institutions create spaces for discussion on sustainable agriculture and biodiversity. In addition, online platforms enable seed exchange across regional networks and support global initiatives to conserve plant diversity.

The day serves as a reminder of the importance of genetic diversity in adapting to climate change and ensuring food security. By participating, everyone can help conserve resources and share knowledge. Mark your calendar for 26 January 2025 and be part of a movement that connects science, practice and community!

Everything up to date

Plant Protection Product Authorization in the EU and Individual Member States.
Plant Protection Product Authorization in the EU and Individual Member States. Regulation Number Underlying Everything: (EC) No 1107/2009

Why grandchild-friendly agriculture needs the latest findings and why this now also applies to the authorisation of plant protection products

A fundamental ruling in the Netherlands has now also made it binding at EU level that plant protection products must always be tested in the context of authorisation procedures taking into account the relevant and reliable scientific or technical knowledge available at the time of testing.

Reviewing the tried and tested creates security

Agriculture is developing rapidly and new findings and techniques are readily adopted. But tried and tested methods and experience also count for a lot if they have proven themselves in constant testing. The smaller, older tractor is then often better for some purposes in terms of energy consumption, costs and soil compaction.

If you also take previously unknown aspects into account, you will avoid many irreversible mistakes at an early stage and create future security. So that the grandchildren can still farm well – living provision for the future.

Plant protection products often not up to date with the latest scientific findings

The state of scientific knowledge on side effects and risks is comprehensively reviewed by the EU prior to the initial authorisation of active substances. However, in the case of subsequent new authorisations or re-authorisations of individual products containing the active substance in the individual countries, the state of scientific knowledge did not have to be examined further – even if the basic authorisation of the active substance was granted a long time ago.   This meant that even serious new findings did not have to be taken into account. This created uncertainty and risks, because even every single tractor and every crop protection sprayer has to undergo regular MOT inspections.

New court decisions for greater safety and current safety assessments

Following a series of legal disputes concerning individual products in the EU and in individual member states, the Dutch Administrative Court has now issued a fundamental judgement for the implementation of legal practice.

Zitat:  „…, dass die zuständige Behörde eines Mitgliedstaats, die einen Antrag auf Zulassung eines Pflanzenschutzmittels zu prüfen hat, bei der Prüfung dieses Antrags die unerwünschten Wirkungen berücksichtigen muss, …, und zwar unter Berücksichtigung der zum Zeitpunkt dieser Prüfung verfügbaren einschlägigen und zuverlässigen wissenschaftlichen oder technischen Kenntnisse,… .“

Qote: “… meaning that the competent authority of a Member State charged with the task of assessing an application for authorisation to place a plant protection market on the market is required, as part of the examination of that application, …, having regard to the relevant and reliable scientific or technical knowledge available at the time of that examination … .”

Science and technical innovations also without chemical agents

This is good news, because only by taking into account up-to-date, reliable information can risks be minimised and confidence in the authorisation procedures be ensured.

Furthermore, it will become clear in the future whether the ‘review of expertise’ will also include physical-technical alternatives to active substances, especially if the plant protection product is a candidate for substitution.

Safety and innovation in a constant state of transformation

The last farmers who still ploughed on horseback are still alive. Today, there are agricultural machines with over 500 horsepower which, thanks to the latest technology, are once again able to work in a way that is soil-friendly. We need continuous, but also disruptive innovations from the field to the table and from technology to people’s consciousness. Only in this way will we be able to feed the world’s population better than before, maintain stable agricultural structures and promote climate protection and biodiversity in agriculture too. Suitability for grandchildren.

Change in agriculture and society can only happen together

The upcoming changes are extensive, complex and require the involvement of many stakeholders. The change in authorisation procedures described above is just one of many building blocks, but they are all necessary. It will not work without targeted co-operation between farmers, associations of all interest groups, politicians, legislators, experts and consumers. And innovative agricultural technology will also make its contribution directly in the field.

This is also what stands for with its electrophysical plant management.


Judgment of the European Court of Justice (DE)

Judgment of the European Court of Justice (EN)

Press release from PAN Europe

First discovery in the UK: Italian ryegrass resistant to glyphosate

New tools are needed to break resistance and prevent further cases.

The development of glyphosate resistance in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) is progressing statistically with the high use of chemical herbicides and has now also reached the UK .

The large number of herbicides still authorised in the USA, and even more so the significantly reduced range in Europe for good reasons, no longer offer any simple solutions. Therefore, the use of Italian ryegrass in green manure and arable grass must be reconsidered and innovative methods must be quickly included in the plant control toolbox.

Italian rye-grass (Lolium multiflorum)
Italian rye-grass (Lolium multiflorum) is also known as annual ryegrass, Australian ryegrass, short rotation ryegrass, and Westerwolds ryegrass.

The first find in the UK

In Kent, UK, an Italian ryegrass resistant to glyphosate was found for the first time in 2024. (Link)

This discovery shows that the number of resistances ultimately increases with statistical probability when very high levels of individual herbicides are used. Furthermore, the case shows how problematic the use of Italian ryegrass in the field, e.g. as a cover crop component, can become in the long term in Europe if it has to be controlled in many arable crops in all circumstances.

Resistant Italian ryegrass in the UK and the EU

In the UK, 4 cases of resistance of Italian ryegrass to 4 other herbicide classes were already known prior to the discovery of glyphosate resistance (HRAC 1, 2, 5, 15). For comparison: In the entire EU, only 12 cases of resistance to 5 herbicide classes including glyphosate have been detected so far (HRAC 1, 2, 5, 9, 15). The freely accessible international database for herbicide-resistant plants also already documents 6 cases of multiple resistance to 2 herbicide classes each. (Link) Italy accounts for around half of all incidents in Italian ryegrass.

A growing problem – proactive action required

Compared to the USA with a total of 36 resistance events in Italian ryegrass, including 9 against glyphosate, the numbers in Europe are still low. However, this should not be a reason to sit back and relax, because once resistance is present, it will continue to spread needing continuously higher herbicide dosages if resistance management is limited.

Many resistance events have certainly not yet been discovered – but they still exist.

Resistance on contact with glyphosate or other herbicides

Italian ryegrass is a high-yielding grass that is valued as a green manure and also as a frequently mown arable grass. At the same time, however, it is also a massive weed, especially in wheat, where it can reduce yields by up to 50 %. All 3 areas of use are therefore also points of contact with glyphosate and other herbicides, which in turn leads to the development of resistance.

Better resistance management…

The risk of resistance development will certainly not be reduced by the further ban on particularly toxic or poorly degradable herbicides (e.g. PFAS herbicide flufenacet).

In Europe, a return to herbicide mixtures with glufosinate (no longer authorised in Europe since 2017), as is currently being discussed in the USA for Italian ryegrass (, can certainly be ruled out. The use of paraquat (banned in Europe since 2009 due to acute toxicity and Alzheimer’s risk) is also recommended there, although there is already resistance to this active ingredient in the USA.

… with a new tool

For the control of resistant ryegrass, the electrophysical method is an additional tool in the complex control process. Even with the many herbicides still authorised in the USA, this remains a multi-stage process and is becoming increasingly difficult as multiple resistance increases.

 In Europe, there will be an even greater reliance on non-chemical methods without soil movement, which can easily be applied multiple times. This applies in particular if ryegrass is also to be controlled on field margins and in clearance areas.

Use alternatives to Italian ryegrass

Good and rapid rooting of the soil with cover crops can also be achieved with phacelia, for example, especially in more complex mixtures that are beneficial for the soil and biodiversity. Increasingly, completely grass-free or at least low-grass green manure mixtures are also available on the market for various applications. as a new tool for large-scale and multiple use

These mixtures are also even more suitable for the electrophysical crop protection method. This means that the use of glyphosate can generally be further reduced or avoided. Among other things, this also further reduces the risk of resistance to glyphosate.

Neither lower application rates of herbicides nor spot spraying are suitable for controlling resistance in pre-sowing treatments.

In the field of arable grass, is working on combination methods to minimise multiple soil movements when using glyphosate-free arable grass.

Aiming for high yields and soil health

This is because soil health and a sustainable yield depend to a large extent on the soil only being moved when absolutely necessary. For all these challenges, is an innovative and residue-free tool that opens up new perspectives.

The Case with the Mouse

A new study shows that glyphosate triggers Alzheimer’s-like neuroinflammation in mice, which is still visible after 6 months. The mice are not only affected as test animals and model organisms for humans, but also directly. This is because in the field (and not only) they eat the highly contaminated grains after siccation, which are not analysed for residues.

A new study shows that glyphosate triggers Alzheimer's-like neuroinflammation in mice, which is still visible after 6 months. The mice are not only affected as test animals and model organisms for humans, but also directly. This is because in the field (and not only) they eat the highly contaminated grains after siccation, which are not analysed for residues.
Study shows neurotoxic effects of glyphosate despite recovery phase

Old and new findings

The fact that the long-term risks of glyphosate for mammals are clear in many areas of application was also established by the EFSA when glyphosate was re-authorised. (Link).

Die Frage, ob nur Glyphosatformulierungen, nicht aber Glyphosat selbst ein neurotoxisches Potenzial haben, musste offen bleiben, auch wenn dieser Unterschied für die Maus im Feld nicht relevant ist.

The question of whether only glyphosate formulations, but not glyphosate itself, have a neurotoxic potential had to remain open, even if this difference is not relevant for the mouse in the field.

However, a recent study now shows for the first time that neuroinflammation caused by glyphosate, similar to Alzheimer’s disease, is still detectable in the brains of mice even after 6 months. In addition to the inflammation itself, altered proteins, pathological changes and AMPA (glyphosate degradation product)  were also found in the brains of animals with the typical anxiety behaviour. (Link) / (Link).

Doubly involved: The mouse

The mouse is not only the model mammal here, which (in this case almost literally) takes the biscuit for all other animals and also for us humans in the laboratory. Mice also live in the very fields where large quantities of food contaminated with glyphosate can be found: in fields where desiccation has been used or cover crops have been destroyed.

Desiccation – what remains directly on the field

During the siccation of cereals and pulses, which has only recently been banned in the EU but is still widely used internationally, the still very green grains in particular absorb a lot of glyphosate. They then dry out and are sieved back onto the field by the combine harvester as grains that are too small. The large, ripe grains with lower contamination are harvested and analysed, but not what the animals eat in the field with significantly higher contamination. Therefore, high doses in trials can be quite realistic.

No maximum quantity limitation

With the best will in the world, it is therefore not enough to simply look at residues in food or to realise that humans do not eat cover crops. In addition to mice, there are enough vegetarians among the animals (including insects, whose intestinal flora is massively disrupted by glyphosate) that eat exactly what is left in the field without a maximum quantity limit. The regulations on waiting times and re-entry bans are also only read by humans.

Complex effects are also some

The times when chemicals could be assessed and withdrawn from the market based on simple toxicological mechanisms are largely over, at least in the EU. Many substances that are obviously toxic have been withdrawn from the market or at least their release and exposure has been severely restricted. The complexity of research into causes is increasing, but the effects remain.

Precautionary principle for damage limitation

But we still have insect mortality, biodiversity loss, rising cancer rates and a growing number of neurodegenerative diseases that cannot be easily (or even yet) explained. Just because the effects are more complex, we must not downplay the ‘evidence’. The precautionary principle also tells us that we must act early and appropriately in suspected cases of possible major or irreversible damage. This is the only way to ensure that the future remains grandchild-friendly.

Working on sustainable real innovations

Banning everything may be disruptive, but it is hardly innovative in the long term. We need high-yield and stable agriculture with affordable labour and socially acceptable prices – but sustainably.

That is why we need to work together to recognise risks and damage and then take appropriate action. Taking action means finding better solutions. makes its contribution to this with electrophysical plant control in the field, e.g. in siccation to reduce the use of glyphosate.

What Does the Mercosur Agreement Mean for EU Agriculture?

Last week, farmers in Belgium, Germany and other EU countries demonstrated against the finalization of the proposed free trade agreement between the EU and the South American Mercosur countries (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay).

Farmers protesting against the planned EU-Mercosur free trade agreement.
Farmers in several EU countries, including Germany and Belgium, protest against the free trade agreement with the Mercosur states.

What is the Mercosur agreement and what’s the current state of play?

The Mercosur agreement aims to create one of the world’s largest free trade areas by reducing tariffs and boosting trade, according to EU President Ursula von der Leyen. Negotiations began 25 years ago and a preliminary agreement was reached in 2019. However, opposition from EU countries such as France, the Netherlands and Poland led to years of renegotiation.

The agreement has now reached a political conclusion, but significant hurdles remain. After a formal legal review, the agreement must be translated into EU languages and approved by the European Council and Parliament. It will then need to be ratified by all EU national parliaments.

Why are EU farmers worried?

European farmers fear a surge in imports from South America, particularly beef, soya and sugar. With vast agricultural land and lower production costs, Mercosur countries could gain a competitive advantage. EU farmers, who have to meet strict environmental and social standards, may find it difficult to compete on price.

There are also environmental concerns. The EU prioritises sustainable agriculture and climate protection and imposes strict regulations on its farmers. Meanwhile, land clearing for agriculture in Mercosur countries, particularly in the Amazon, raises fears of increased deforestation.

On the other hand, the agreement could open up export opportunities for European farmers. Products such as wine, cheese and olive oil could gain easier access to Mercosur markets through tariff reductions, benefiting specialized producers of high-quality goods. However, the EU’s deforestation regulation could impose stricter requirements on Brazilian exports.

However, the EU’s deforestation regulation could impose stricter requirements on Brazilian exporters, potentially offsetting these benefits.

How does the government addresses these concerns?

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) has emphasized strict import regulations that only allow products that meet EU standards to enter the market. Bilateral safeguard clauses could be activated to address economic disadvantages caused by sudden import surges. Specific import quotas for sensitive products such as beef, poultry, sugar and ethanol are also part of the deal.

Environmental protection measures are included, such as commitments to international agreements like the Paris Climate Agreement, prevention of deforestation, sustainable agriculture and investment in renewable energy. Transparency mechanisms and civil society participation will ensure compliance. Both sides pledge not to lower environmental standards for economic gain.

A controversial path forward

Despite these measures, critics remain sceptical, particularly about the enforcement of deforestation controls in the Amazon. The effectiveness of environmental regulations depends heavily on consistent implementation and monitoring. For EU agriculture, maintaining strict environmental and social standards will be crucial, as will potential compensation mechanisms to protect farmers from unfair competition.

Innovation and sustainability will be key for European farmers to remain competitive in the global market as the final decision on the Mercosur agreement approaches.

Crop Protection in Potato Cultivation – Targeted Management

In potato cultivation, targeted crop protection measures play a central role in securing yield and quality. In addition to combating diseases like late blight, weed and pest control are significant challenges.

In potato cultivation, targeted crop protection measures play a central role in securing yield and quality. In addition to combating diseases like late blight, weed and pest control are significant challenges.
Weed Control: Challenges and Strategies

Potatoes cover the soil relatively late, allowing weeds like white goosefoot, knotweed, or cleavers to compete with the crops for a long time. An effective treatment strategy combines pre-emergence and post-emergence measures. What does the current strategy look like?

Pre-emergence Measures:

Herbicides such as Bandur (active ingredient: aclonifen) and Centium 36 CS (active ingredient: clomazone) should be applied at least a week before potato shoots emerge. These products combat a wide variety of weeds but require moist soil to be effective.

Post-emergence Measures:

The Colorado potato beetle is a significant pest. Monitoring begins in May. If larvae are visible, targeted control measures should be implemented. Biological insecticides like spinosad or azadirachtin are more environmentally friendly, while severe infestations may require chemical agents such as lambda-cyhalothrin or thiacloprid.

Pest Control: Focus on the Colorado Potato Beetle

The Colorado potato beetle is a significant pest. Monitoring begins in May. If larvae are visible, targeted control measures should be implemented. Biological insecticides like spinosad or azadirachtin are more environmentally friendly, while severe infestations may require chemical agents such as lambda-cyhalothrin or thiacloprid.

Fungicide Strategies Against Late Blight and Other Fungal Diseases

Combating fungal diseases is essential for maintaining healthy potato crops. In addition to late blight (Phytophthora infestans), other fungal infections such as Alternaria (early blight), Rhizoctonia solani (black scurf), and Colletotrichum coccodes (black dot) pose threats.

Fungicide treatments should be adapted to infection pressure and weather conditions. Rotating active ingredient classes early, for instance, from strobilurins to carboxamides, helps prevent resistance. Additionally, soil and plant-strengthening measures, such as adequate lime application, contribute to disease prevention.

Sustainability and Resistance Management

Overusing specific active ingredients increases the risk of resistance development. Targeted active ingredient rotation and the integration of agronomic measures ensure long-term effective crop protection solutions.

Weed and pest control in potato cultivation requires precise adaptation of crop protection measures to site conditions and crop characteristics. With an integrated approach, yield and quality can be sustainably secured. Because…

…Only Prevention is Sustainable – Innovation Needed

The “return” to old (often outdated) solutions is often just a stopgap measure or no solution at all. This is especially true when previously very efficient methods or technologies, such as chemical crop protection, are no longer fully available. Therefore, entirely new solutions must be sought and tailored to the required applications. Develops Sustainable Alternatives

With electrophysical plant control, introduces a new mechanism for broad application. This approach can help address issues such as resistance problems or the strong weather dependency of other methods, offering a more reliable and sustainable solution.

Die Rolle der elektrischen Unkrautbekämpfung Develops Sustainable Alternatives

Palmer Amaranth and Glyphosate: revisited in New York

Amaranthus palmeri
Source: “Amaranthus palmeri,” by Pompilid, own work, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Via Wikipedia: Amaranthus palmeri.

New findings from Cornell University make resistance even more threatening


Resistance management of weeds with chemicals alone is no longer possible. Instead of new mechanisms of action, new mechanisms of resistance to herbicides are constantly being found. Palmer amaranth not only promotes mass in terms of seeds and growth, it also simply produces so many more receptors that the plants become highly resistant to glyphosate.

The only known strategy against the spread of this crop-damaging plant seems to be integrated resistance management using mechanical and physical weed control methods. Both scientists and are working on this from different angles.

Superweed now with glyphosate resistance in New York

Lynn M. Sosnoskie of Cornell University, together with other scientists, has been studying the resistance of Palmer amaranth to pesticides in the US state of New York. (Link)

Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth has been reported in more than 30 US states. It is one of the most important herbicide-resistant and crop-threatening weeds in the US and already has its own icon on the homepage of the world’s largest database of resistant weeds – where it is uprooted by hand (Link). However, the current work has revealed even more about the resistance mechanism.

Very high resistance and disturbing mechanism

While most resistance is based on mutation of a receptor for the herbicide, Palmer amaranth simply produces many more receptors. The herbicide cannot react with all the receptors. Using this relatively new mechanism, the plants became 42 to 67 times more resistant than control plants, continued to grow at a rate of 2.5 cm per day and produced millions of new seeds per female plant. It is feared that this resistance strategy could easily be transferred to other herbicides.

Further trials show that this process has already begun. Some other herbicides already work poorly. New herbicides are not on the horizon, and there is no guarantee that the mechanism will not work again. (Link)

Non-chemical weed control methods urgently needed

Successful resistance management always involves a whole toolbox of measures from which the best ones must be selected. As the scientists working with Lynn M. Sosnoskie plan, an integrated weed management system needs to be developed that can (re)consider mechanical methods such as ploughing. However, tillage has significant side effects in terms of soil health, erosion and increased energy use. As there is no going back to the future, innovations such as electrophysical crop management should also be trialled and adapted to local needs. It remains to be seen whether large-scale application is a more effective solution than individual plant detection and treatment with electricity or lasers.

Large area electrophysical treatment by
Large area electrophysical treatment by

Work at Cornell and beyond

It is this integrated weed management that Cornell scientists are working on, as well as tools to help identify Palmer amaranth and strategies to reduce its spread by agricultural (Link). New strategies are therefore also challenging farmers, who have to deal even more intensively with individual weed species. makes its contribution by developing equipment that can be used over large areas for comprehensive electro-physical plant control without moving the soil.

Electric Weed Control: The Future of Agriculture

Electric Weed Control
Electric Weed Control: The Future of Agriculture

Electric weed control is transforming the agricultural industry by providing a sustainable, non-chemical solution to weed management. This technology uses high-voltage electricity to target weeds at their roots, effectively killing them without the need for chemical herbicides. It is an ideal solution for farmers looking to adopt herbicide-free practices while maintaining effective weed control.

The benefits of electric weed control extend to both the environment and crop health. By reducing chemical inputs, farmers can improve soil quality and reduce the risk of chemical residues in food and water. Additionally, electric weed control is precise and can be used in combination with precision agriculture techniques to target specific weeds without damaging crops.

As the demand for sustainable farming solutions grows, electric weed control is emerging as a key technology in the shift toward more environmentally friendly agricultural practices.