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matthias_eberius, veröffentlicht am 07.12.2023

Bad weeds grow tall – also with glyphosate

Weeds adapt

A recent large American study compared weed control strategies based solely on glyphosate with those using other weed control methods prior to crop emergence ( The result was clear. The more and more glyphosate is used, the faster the weeds adapt. MirageNews also reports (

How do the plants adapt?

 In some cases there are mutations that detoxify the herbicide and render it ineffective. Only mixtures with additional herbicides remain.

In other cases, the entire plant changes in such a way that, for example, less herbicide is absorbed in the leaves and transported to the roots. In this case, an ever-increasing dose still helps against the weeds, but not the environment or the costs.

Selection for evasive behavior is similarly effective but even more exciting. For example, if glyphosate is always sprayed in an region on a certain date, the plant germinates so much earlier that the normal glyphosate dose no longer kills the plant, as it is already too large. The dose must therefore be increased. Or the plants germinate later so that they are no longer affected by the first spray. In this case, the crop has to be treated more often to maintain the effect, which puts an increasing strain on both the wallet and the environment.

The already visible consequence: according to study results, the efficiency of glyphosate decreased by up to 31.6 % within 10 years when glyphosate was used alone (Conyza canadensis, Canadian horseweed). There will soon be no effect at all.

Is KI a solution?

According to the authors, artificial intelligence and partial area or spot treatments do not help against all these efficacy losses. Although the technology reduce the current pure spraying agent costs, it leads to the same pressure to adapt and the same loss of efficiency – just a little more efficiently with  less actual glyphosate use.

What helps?

Only when different herbicide strategies were used in the same year was such a reduction not observed.

 Glyphosate is therefore not the “silver bullet” cure for everything and forever. Even its efficiency in areas that are more difficult to replace will only be sustainable in the long term if completely different weed control measures are used regularly and wherever possible. To this end, the authors of the study clearly recommend all non-chemical strategies. In order to make a better selection, these must be tested for their main beneficial properties and undesirable side effects and used accordingly.


matthias_eberius, veröffentlicht am 21.11.2023

Further approval of glyphosate rules out pre-harvest siccation

The EU is thus sending out a clear signal as part of the “Farm to Fork” strategy for the avoidance of glyphosate residues in food.  You can find the full approval text here:

As desiccation for harvest protection is basically a sensible concept, now has the opportunity to offer an environmentally friendly alternative to siccation without residues in food and without endangering small mammals and insects.

A brief explanation of the continued approval of glyphosate and the questions that remain unanswered can be found here: (Language adjustable)


matthias_eberius, veröffentlicht am 31.03.2023

Boston Consulting Group and Naturschutzbund Deutschland demonstrate triple win through regenerative agriculture

In a comprehensive report, BCG and NABU found that everyone will benefit from a rapid shift to regenerative agriculture: “Regenerative agriculture offers a triple win: higher farming profits, more resilient food production, and less impact on land and climate..”            

Regenerative agriculture offers the urgently needed way out to keep food reliable and affordable even under conditions of climate change mitigation and biodiversity protection.

„Building on Conservation Agriculture, which is demonstrating exponential growth in its application on farms worldwide, Regenerative Agriculture offers a transformational path for both conventional and organic farms.

Regenerative agriculture is an adaptive farming approach applying practically proven and science-based practices, focused on soil and crop health aimed at yield resilience and a positive impact on carbon, water, and biodiversity.”

NABU (only German)




Core elements of regenerative agriculture include no-till, minimizing soil movement, more catch crops and minimally invasive mulching. Even with this cropping system, it is necessary to be able to precisely control plants in the field when needed without soil movement. To date, this control has been done in non-till agriculture in many cases with glyphosate, and globally with other non-selective herbicides.

Here, offers Hybrid Herbicide, the innovative and residue-free alternative using electric current as the active ingredient. Thus, can provide farmers with an important building block for sustainable and innovative agriculture in this area as well. In this way, another challenge facing agriculture is being solved in a targeted and future-oriented manner through innovation.