A Leading Company in
Electric Crop Management
Siccation and crop management for the professional farmer.
Fast, faster, crop.zone
crop.zone ensures faster and more efficient siccation of potatoes. And all without chemicals.
What doesn’t dig you down makes you stronger.
With improved precision, crop.zone minimizes bacterial infections, contributing to healthier and more resistant potato quality.
Like two peas in a pod…
Improved uniformity and caliber management – with crop.zone. This directly ensures higher quality and thus better yields in potatoes.
Blame it on the weatherman….
Stop worrying about unpredictable weather or difficult crop conditions. crop.zone guarantees consistent results.
Every day counts.
The innovative crop.zone concept extends your growing season and gives you more time and flexibility.
The smartest farmer has the most beautiful potatoes.
Achieve a perfect skin on your tubers and increase their market attractiveness and value. With crop.zone.
Live and let lie…
Potatoes treated with crop.zone have extended shelf life and exceptional storage quality, reducing post-harvest losses.
Scotty, energy! But just a little bit…
With crop.zone, you use as much energy for one hectare of potato siccation as a Tesla for 100 km. No more.
Big, bigger, crop.zone.
With a generous application width of 12 meters, you cover more ground in less time, increasing your efficiency.
Do not blink.
Otherwise, you could miss out. In most cases, crop.zone’s advanced siccation technology gets the job done in a single pass, streamlining your workflow.
It doesn’t get any greener than that.
New requirements for sustainability concepts or stricter certifications – no problem with crop.zone. With 100% organic certification, you are on the safe side.
Works like chemistry. But without chemistry.
Protect and maintain the health of your soil with crop.zone’s environmentally conscious approach.