Does Hybrid Herbicide Help the Landscape in Water Protected Areas?
In many parts of Germany, more than 20% of agricultural land is located in water protection areas. There, the use of pesticides and glyphosate in particular is heavily regulated. Throughout Europe, regulations to protect groundwater and drinking water are becoming increasingly strict. This also affects farmers who have so far used glyphosate there as part of no-till or soil conservation agriculture. To ensure that sustainable agriculture is still possible there in the future, crop.zone offers electrophysical alternatives to the use of chemical herbicides or an undesirable return to the plough.
So that sustainable agriculture is still possible there in the future, crop.zone offers electrophysical alternatives to the use of chemical herbicides or an undesirable return to the plough.

Robust and extremely powerful – the volt.cube supplies the electrical energy.

Working widths of up to 12 m allow fast and safe siccation.

The residue-free liquid lowers the electrical resistance of the plants.
crop.zone is the specialist when it comes to herbicide-free siccation. The professional technology in our machines enables safe, efficient and cost-effective harvest preparation. With our technologically advanced system, a first-class quality of the harvested products is achieved and at the same time the soil is protected. crop.zone offers the solution for an ecological, sustainable agriculture and thus makes its contribution to the future of our planet.
Do you have questions? – Call us!