How and why should carbon be bound in the soil?
Carbon sequestration or carbon farming in the soil through cover crops, compost and organic fertilizers has many benefits. It increases soil health by improving soil structure, water retention and nutrient availability. It removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thus can move agriculture’s contribution toward Zero Net. One of the most effective methods is nearly continuous greening to maximize carbon uptake year-round and limiting soil movement to minimize humus depletion.
Increasing soil carbon is not a quick fix for climate change and it must be done in conjunction with other measures.

Robust and extremely powerful – the volt.cube supplies the electrical energy.

Working widths of up to 12 m allow fast and safe siccation.

The residue-free liquid lowers the electrical resistance of the plants.
crop.zone is the specialist when it comes to herbicide-free siccation. The professional technology in our machines enables safe, efficient and cost-effective harvest preparation. With our technologically advanced system, a first-class quality of the harvested products is achieved and at the same time the soil is protected. crop.zone offers the solution for an ecological, sustainable agriculture and thus makes its contribution to the future of our planet.
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